You’ve crafted the perfect email for your list of recipients. You hit send and feel proud of your work. You gladly watch the open rate slowly tick up.
That is until you notice all the emails that never received your message. As the email bounces keep counting up, you wonder what you could be doing differently.
Error: The resource attribute is invalid.
If you regularly send mass email marketing campaigns, you are likely familiar with this situation. Email bounce backs are a consistent reality in the world of email marketing. However, it isn’t something that you are stuck with forever. With a little insight and a few good strategies, you can cut down your email bounce rate significantly.
既然你正在阅读这篇文章,你很可能已经熟悉了 “邮件跳转 “这个术语。尽管如此,先给它下个明确的定义还是很有帮助的。这些邮件是指由于某种原因被收件人服务器拒绝的邮件(下文将详细介绍)。当服务器将邮件退回时,它还会发送一个代码,这对了解邮件被拒绝的原因很有帮助。
The process of email bounce backs
这发生在电子邮件发送的最后阶段 处理 .每当你发出一封电子邮件时,它都遵循这些步骤。
1.你写好邮件并填写 “收件人 “字段。对于给很多收件人的邮件,你就像从联系人列表中自动完成。
3.SMTP服务器通过查看”@”后面的域名来查找它应该发送电子邮件的服务器。然后,它检查域名服务器(一个数字地址簿)中的 IP地址 该服务器的。
Why should you care about email bounce rate?
如果你的跳出率很高,你更有可能是 黑名单 by recipient servers (subsequently increasing your bounce rate even more). Furthermore, your messages are more likely to be labeled as spam if you have a low reputation due to email bounces.
Plus, spending time working on your bounce rate will help you be more thoughtful about who you are sending your emails to. Chances are you will also improve your open rate as you 清理 你的邮件列表。
As mentioned above, emails bounce for several different reasons – we call them hard and soft bounces. They can be broadly categorized as two types of bounce: soft bounce emails and hard bounce emails. The former type is temporary or easily fixable whereas the latter is (nearly) permanent.
Soft bounces and why they happen
电子邮件太大。 Your email is larger than the recipient server will accept. This is not as common these days but these email bouncebacks sometimes happen. It is most common with image-heavy designs. One or two such bounces may not be an issue or error message. However, if you have many soft bounces, you likely need to work on your email optimization and make your email body easier to read and open.
无法到达的服务器。 The recipient server may be down or overloaded. Typically, resending the email will resolve this if this is a temporary issue on the recipient’s side. If you get this error repeatedly for the email address, it is likely a more permanent problem.
邮箱已满。 Unsurprisingly, this means that the recipient’s inbox is full and cannot accept additional email messages. Again, this is much less common with modern email systems. However, it can still happen. In most cases, your SMTP mail server will retry periodically until the message is accepted – or return an SMTP error message.
假期回复。 Depending on the configuration of the recipient server, you may receive an email bounce back if the recipient has an auto-reply or “out of office.” In other cases, the system may simply reply RE: the message bounced.
Hard bounces and why they happen
坏的电子邮件地址。 One of the most common reasons for a bounce is that the email you are trying to send to doesn’t exist. This could be because you were provided with a fake email address. It could also be because the email used to exist but has since been removed. In some cases, it may simply be a typographical error. Most email fields don’t have spellcheck so invalid addresses can easily end up on your list.
电子邮件被阻止了。 你的电子邮件地址可能已经被电子邮件服务器封锁了。这种情况发生在非常严格的 垃圾邮件设置或收件人已将你屏蔽的情况下 .如果是前者,你可以要求被列入白名单。如果是后者,你可能就不走运了(另外,收件人可能不想听到你的消息)。
黑名单。 电子邮件服务提供商也将某些发件人列入黑名单。这类似于收件人服务器的 块列表 but happens earlier in the process. It may be caused by spam complaints, high bounce rates, certain types of relevant 内容 , or a sudden increase in sending activity that your email providers spot.
These types of email bounces are more challenging to deal with because they won’t be resolved simply by resending the email. In some cases, you may need to simply purge the recipient. In other cases, you may be able to improve your email reputation.
Keeping your bounce rate low should be one of your main concerns as an email marketer. Luckily, there is a precise set of strategies you can employ to ensure your bounce rate stays low, for both soft and hard bounces.
Clean up your mailing list and keep it clean
This is valuable for more reasons than just cutting down on bounces. It will also help you home in on the contact information of leads that are genuinely interested in your products and services. Spending more of your time on selling to likely prospects is always a good thing. You’ll also be able to improve your email marketing metrics for future campaigns, such as your deliverability rate, open rate, and ultimately conversion rate.
Generate your mailing lists from a form that asks permission for receiving messages
If you are doing business in the European Union, you may be legally required to do this anyway. While it is tempting to build a huge list, by asking people to opt in, you are narrowing down your list to the people who want to hear from you.
Sending content to people who are uninterested is likely rolling a boulder up a mountain.
Consider having a double opt-in email process
This is when you verify that you have the correct email by sending an email with a subscription link. While this is not the right approach for every business, it will eliminate the possibility of typos in emails.
Sending regular (but not spammy) emails helps improve your email reputation
Obviously, you should not be sending emails just for the sake of sending them. However, you can benefit from regularly providing value to your recipients. This will reduce your bounce rate, increase engagement and help you avoid spam filters.
Keep your bounce rate low by avoiding sounding like a spammer
Make sure your emails are well-written and professional. Avoid sending spammy subject lines, and never hide any content in your email HTML.
改善你的电子邮件退信率的最重要方法之一是保持你的 邮件列表清理 .当你收到硬反弹时,你应该立即将该电子邮件地址从你的列表中清除。唯一的例外是,如果你被一个严格的垃圾邮件过滤器阻挡,你认为收件人可能会将你的邮件地址列入白名单。 领域 .在这种情况下,你可以通过其他方式联系收件人,并要求得到批准。
As mentioned, one of the simplest ways to do this is to remove any emails that cause hard bounces, however, it is not recommended to wait until your email bounce backs. A safer approach for your email sender reputation is to verify the emails in your list prior the send out, with an 邮件检查器 并检查是否有无法送达的情况或 风险 地址:
Low-quality email addresses in your mailing list are likely doing significantly more harm than good. You will have much more success with a shorter but more focused list than a long and messy one.
您的 电子邮件声誉的重要性 . If you want to keep a low bounce backs rate and increase your open rate, you need to have a good reputation. Fortunately, you don’t have to manage it alone.
Using our 邮件检查器 , you can keep your mailing lists clean and optimized for a minimal bounce rate and maximum 订婚 .
Our system is simple to use and highly effective with over 99.5% accuracy in mailing list management. If you want to improve the impact of your email marketing, learn more about 为什么我们的客户喜欢Bouncer .今天就开始验证您的邮件列表。
Email bounce backs: frequently asked questions
Whatare email bounce backs?
An email bounce occurs when an email message is returned to the sender, either because it was undeliverable or because it was rejected by the recipient’s email server. Delivery status notification (DSN) messages provide more detailed information about the cause of a bounced email.
Why are bounced emails important?
Bounced emails can negatively impact your organization’s reputation, resulting in lower delivery rates and higher costs associated with maintaining clean mailing lists. Additionally, if left unchecked, bounce message emails can result in your email deliverability rate suffering.
A soft bounce means that the recipient’s email server temporarily rejected the email (so the email bounced), while a hard bounce occurs when the email is permanently rejected by the recipient’s email server.
Why do email bounces happen?
Email bounces can happen for a variety of reasons, including invalid email addresses, full mailboxes, technical issues with the recipient’s email server, or spam filters blocking the email. Bounce rates might vary as well depending on the intended recipient.
How can I reduce my email bounce rate?
To reduce your email bounce rate, you can regularly clean your email list, use double opt-in, remove inactive subscribers, and monitor your sender reputation for email campaigns.
What should I do if my email bounces?
If your email bounces, you should first check the bounce reason to determine the cause – there are various types of email bounces. Then, you can take steps to address the issue, such as correcting the recipient’s server or email account, contacting their email service provider, or modifying your email program to comply with spam regulations.