In order to be a successful email marketer, it is essential that your subscribers open and read your messages. In fact, if your recipients aren’t opening your messages, they will not be able to take any action by navigating to your site or making a purchase. But you don’t have to worry too much! Just keep calm and read this article. :D
For sure, your customers are super busy, and they receive tons of emails every single day! I’m sure that you don’t wanna make them crazy…
And that’s frustrating, I know. Because the random name often appears in a stranger’s inbox that ends up ignored. And when you do get through to someone, it’s usually a really valuable conversation, it really works! :D
When everything serious and formal has been already said, go for humor! A good joke or a funny metaphor in the subject line will always be a good idea and starting point for an email. ;) Another option is CTA ( call to action) therefore the language that you use plays a big role in inspiring people to click. Use action-oriented verbs as subject lines to make it more enticing and vibrant. Try to encourage your audience to open our e-mail, not to dishearten at the beginning by sales subjected line. Cut through the noise by getting personal as for instance: “Thanks for being with us!” or “check out our brilliant offer especially for you
Nowadays modern clients don’t only focus on the subject line, rather are curious about what kind of offer it is and what could they get. It’s not just the subject line that sells people on opening your email. It’s also the preview text.
What is it? No doubt that it’s a great opportunity to include secondary messaging to a short, attention-grabbing subject line. That’s the piece of the text that tells your customers something more about the content of your email.
Now, you know that you have crafted a stellar email subject line, you have your audience’s full attention on the body of your email content. So…, how do you craft copy that will get them clicking? There are some really important rules. Ready? Let’s get started!
I ’m pretty sure that you receive
In fact, no matter how fancy your marketing emails look, if they’re devoid of well-written content, your subscribers will stop opening and start deleting your messages.
Apart from all the tips about subject lines, engaging content, powerful CTAs, and strategic. Of course, all of them work but let me indicate the biggest mistake. Take a big step back and look at the picture from its most foundational point. It’s
Therefore, practicing list hygiene is crucial for maintaining strong deliverability. This can be done in a number of ways outlined below:
Promptly remove addresses that hard bounce
Addresses that generate bounced email should be removed from your list ASAP! Along with keeping your bounce rate low, some providers identify bad senders at those who repeatedly send to the same invalid email addresses. Whenever you receive a hard bounce notification, you should immediately cease delivery to that address until the problem is resolved. Otherwise, you risk hurting your delivery for other emails on that same domain or IP address.
Use confirmed opt-in
Confirmed Opt-In is used to help prevent spam and ensure that only people who specifically request your information are subscribed to your list. If you collect email addresses from online forms, such as with a newsletter subscription, then you should confirm that those email addresses are valid and were not entered by a third party. You can normally enable Confirmed Opt-In through your sending software or via your ESP.
Honour unsubscribes and removal request
When a recipient asks you stop sending them
Addresses customer complains
Your customers can be actively complaining in two ways about email which they have received- reporting it as spam in their email software or by contacting you directly. If you know the address that generated the complaint, immediately remove it from your contact list & contact your customer. Don’t just silently remove the address because the contact will have no way of knowing this and they may report the mail as spam anyway.
But it isn’t a time for
Open Rate
Open rate metric tells you how many people “view” or “open” email which you send out during email campaign. Open rate is no longer a reliable metric and it should be used with caution.
Inbox Placement Rate
Not all ESP’s showcase this metric,
Unsubscribe rate
Unsubscribe rate – is the percentage of recipients unsubscribing from the mailing list. This is an inaccurate method of measuring engagement. Recipients often ignore unwanted marketing or sales emails over long periods of time, instead of going through the unsubscribe process.
Connection rejection rate
Connection rejection rate – it shows you the percentage of sent emails which are rejected by mailbox providers. This measurement is not to be confused with a hard bounce, which is related to a permanent delivery problem such as an invalid email address.
The longer you put off organizing your email list, the harder it will be to get it back in shape. So don’t delay. There is a simple solution-email verification. Before sending out the campaign, just run your list in CSV format, andanalyze the results in order to exclude from the campaign all bounces. Your openrates will gethigher, as firstly you will email real people, and secondly, your deliverabilitywill be secured.
When you discover a good strategy, share it with your marketing and sales teams. Knowing when your audience is most amenable to talking can help them improve their approaches as well. Most importantly, talk to your leads like people, not just sales prospects.