Toxicity Check
Identify if your email list contains any toxic email addresses, e.g., widely circulated or breached ones, or those belonging to complainers or litigators or potential spam traps*.

Powered by BLACKBOX
Get access to the same database of toxic email addresses
that is used by the biggest Email Service Providers.

Protect your email deliverability, and senders’ score.
Make sure that no toxic email addresses are on your email list!
Easy to understand
Toxicity represented on a scale of 1-5 will help you clean your email list.
- widely circulated email addresses,
- breached and hacked ones,
- belonging to complainers’,
- litigators’,
- potential spam traps*.
* At Bouncer, we believe that spam traps are an important part of the email ecosystem. Additionally, it’s impossible to provide precise information about the spam traps as the really good ones are not publicly known. That’s why we prefer to provide information about the toxicity of email addresses instead of just pointing out spam traps. The higher Toxicity Score is, the higher probability of hitting a spamtrap or other malicious and harmful email address.
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Start now and protect your email deliverability!
Check both email deliverability and toxicity, and make sure that your senders’ score is highest possible.