O aplicație SaaS ușor de utilizat care vă permite să verificați rapid listele de distribuție

API de verificare a e-mailurilor ultrarapid, robust și ușor de integrat

Conectează-ți cu ușurință contul Bouncer cu platforma de marketing pe care o iubești și verifică-ți lista de e-mail fără efort

Identificați adresele de e-mail invalide, malițioase sau frauduloase în momentul introducerii.

Identificați dacă lista dvs. de e-mail conține adrese de e-mail toxice

Testați-vă plasarea în căsuța de primire, verificați-vă autentificarea și monitorizați listele de blocuri

Îmbunătățiți campaniile de e-mail prin îmbogățirea datelor clienților cu informații despre companie disponibile public


Citiți cercetarea noastră originală bazată pe un sondaj pe care l-am efectuat cu privire la practicile de igienă a listelor de e-mail

Anti-Spam Policy

Last update 06.09.2018

This Anti-Spam Policy is an extension to our Terms of Service.

Bouncer Sp. z.o.o (LTD) (“we,” “us” or “our”) has a no tolerance to spam. As a “Spam”, following The Spamhaus Project’s definition, we understand unsolicited and bulk communication.

In order to use our Services, you must agree to verify only email addresses for which the Recipients have granted you verifiable permission for the messages to be sent – all Recipients must have opted-in to receive communications from you.

An opt-in can occur either via a sign-up form on a web site, at a point-of-sale sign-up form, or on a physical sign-up sheet.

Prohibited use

You may not use our Services to:

  • verify email addresses without the subscriber’s permission to receive email communications from your entity
  • verify purchased lists (whether they are opt-in or not)
  • verify harvested email addresses from web sites or other sources
  • verify permutations of email addresses
  • verify generated email addresses

Allowed use

You may:

  • verify email addresses for which a user has opted-in to receive email communications from you
  • verify email addresses provided by your end-users via a sign-up form


Your account will be immediately terminated if we determine in our sole discretion that you verify non-opted-in email addresses.

Based on any abuse compliant or identification of any patterns common to harvested, generated or other non-opted-in lists we will initiate review of your verifications. During the time of such analysis we may, in our sole discretion, suspend your account, until our investigations are over.

Contact us

If you have any further questions or comments about us or our policies, email us at [email protected] or contact us by post at:

Bouncer Sp. z o.o. (LTD)
ul. Cypriana Kamila Norwida 24/1
50-374 Wrocław