Marketers (and their associated designers, of course) spend masses of time, effort, and money creating their strongest message possible.
Once a master plan is ready for delivery—the campaign they’re most proud of and are sure will produce the conversions they’re looking for—it’s still useless if they can’t guarantee their audience will see it.
Error: The resource attribute is invalid.
Maintaining a high level of deliverability is one of the most significant email marketing issues and the reason why email delivery is so important to digital marketers worldwide. And such won’t be possible if email deliverability is neglected. Email marketing offers a different set of issues to print, press, or television advertising, yet getting that all-important message out, in front of the correct audience, is common to all.
Email deliverability is the key to obtaining your best results; it’s dependent on how you handle your campaigns, your mailing lists, and your content.
In the same way, you wouldn’t trust a dodgy-looking door-to-door salesperson; your email client and your server reject the approaches of equally dodgy email addresses.
You want to achieve the highest email delivery rate, landing as many as possible safely in your customers’ inboxes. The most important factors involved in creating your best chances are your email address, IP, domain reputation, the quality of your content, and its value to your client .
Your business performance depends on your reputation—your email deliverability is no exception.
Different email providers estimate your 送信者評判 お客様の送信行動やメール操作に関するデータを収集します。これらの判断は おたくのアイピー アドレスまたはメールアドレスのドメインを入力してください。
Either way, your IP identifier or domain is monitored to decide whether you’re a valid and useful provider of information or not. This way, you earn your sender score. The better your score is, the more chance you have of reaching inboxes; the worse it is, the more chance you’ll end up junked or filtered out.
A strong email or sender reputation requires planning, monitoring, and regular maintenance. 高いバウンス率 , spam filtering, and a lack of engagement can quickly lead to a poor reputation. A poor reputation leads to further poor performance and into a significant spiral that is much harder to recover from than it is to prevent.
There are good practices that you should carry out in the technical preparation of your delivery. Some of the most important we’ve covered in previous articles. However, in today’s email deliverability guide we’re discussing the best email sending practices.
We’ve put together the following suggestions of how marketers should create a healthy email reputation and keep it that way. Following our best sending practices will, without a doubt, help the メールマーケッター thrive—creating the responses, reactions, and return that they’re looking for.
ここでの黄金のルールの一つは バウンサー である。 メールリストを購入したり、借りたり、レンタルしたり、スクレイプしたり、採取したりしないでください。 .私たちの大きな問題は、あなたが何を買っているのかわからないということです。
買ったリストは賞味期限切れの可能性が高いし スパムトラップ メールアドレスを入力してください。また、リストの誰もがあなたの製品やサービスに本当に興味を持っているかどうかを賭けていることになります。
Also, when you buy an email list, you haven’t acquired the recipient’s consent which goes against every grain of current GDPR legislation.
The best way to ensure that the people are receiving your information, won’t ignore or junk your messages, is to send it to an already engaged audience.
オプトイン加入者 彼らはすでにあなたが宣伝しているものに興味を示しているので、あなたの最善の策です。吟味されていないオーディエンスへのブランケットマーケティングは、多くの場合、それが販売を促進するよりも長期的なダメージにつながります。
を見る限りでは GDPRの法制化が進む , you should have permission for every type of the email engagement, so you shouldn’t send anything to anyone without their permission anyway.
スケジュールの適切なバランスを見つけることが肝心です。多すぎるメールは多くの受信者にとってスパムのように感じられ、少なすぎるメールでは 要事業 .
The ISPs monitoring your actions for sender reputation won’t want to see huge spikes or periodic campaigns involving huge numbers. Consistency is the key, so find out those best-performing actions and stick to them.
逆効果に聞こえるかもしれませんが、配信停止ボタンはあなたの最大の資産の一つです。受信者が購読を中止できない場合、多くの場合、そのメッセージを迷惑メールとしてマークします。これは、メールサービスにも言えることです。 プロバイダまたはISP この情報を送信者スコアに適用します。
ISPs utilize inactive email addresses to spot the email campaigns with unethically acquired and poorly managed lists. You can lower your sender score and prevent damaging your deliverability by measuring how many inactive addresses you send out to.
スパムトラップ はブラックリストに載ってしまう最も手っ取り早い方法の一つです。
ISPs also utilize information gathered by outside sources to validate the quality of email senders. There are hundreds of ブラックリスト 最悪隔離 スパマー and offenders, unfortunately, among those, you can also find legitimate senders, that did not pay attention to their sender reputation.
If you want to keep your email list healthy, then, regular cleaning is a must. This means understanding why the bounce rates are high, where spam complaints are happening, and which outdated addresses are still sent emails.
Find the problem addresses and remove them. You should also set systems in place to prevent them from being re-added, if they entered your list via improper means.
You should be able to automize some of your list hygiene operations. However, a careful eye and monitoring addresses that don’t engage, suffer frequent soft bounces, or are the obvious generic addresses unassociated to a single relevant recipient, is just as important.
A ハードバウンド , such as a non-existent email address, expired domain, or unreceptive mail server, delivers a permanent error and an obvious case for removing the address straight away.
ソフトバウンド need a little more consideration. Most of the time, a soft bounce is a temporary problem that can resolve itself over a short time. You may find that the email delivers successfully after a day or two, once the owner cleans their inbox or server fixes their issues.
One of the easiest ways to remove hard bounces, misspelled, catchall, and disposable addresses, is to utilize an email verification tool such as Bouncer.
To be sure that your email list is optimized, clean, and efficient, Bouncer is here to help. Our system is simple, easy to implement, and over 99.5% accurate, when it comes to your メーリングリスト管理 .
We’re certain you’ll see the vast array of benefits in no time—maintaining the best connection and conversions with as many of your customers as possible.
今すぐすべてのメールリストの検証を開始しましょう .予防は治療よりもはるかに優れています。