Mis on Põrgutaja , miks peaksite seda kasutama oma e-posti nimekirja kontrollimiseks ja kes kurat on Winston? Lugege edasi, et leida vastused.
Iga ettevõte, kes valis oma klientidega suhtlemise viisiks e-kirja, mõistab peagi, et nad peavad oma e-posti aadressid kontrollima. Põhjuseks võib olla kõrge tagasilöögimäära, kehva saatja maine, võltsitud kontode registreerimine jne. Selles artiklis selgitan, miks peaksite oma nimekirja kontrollima, kes me oleme ja räägin Winstonist ja tema rollist Bounceris.
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Numbrid kõigepealt!
2014. aastal saadeti iga päev 191 miljardit e-kirja! Aastaks 2016 oli see juba 215 miljardit e-kirja päevas ja aastase kasvu 4,6% juures on prognoositav, et 2020. aastal saadetakse iga päev 258 miljardit e-kirja! (Allikas: The Wonder of Tech; Radicati Group).
E-mail is lately rarely sent in the context of personal messages between users (replaced by social media and instant messaging), and more and more often it is a communication tool between the consumer and the company for turundus , information, maintaining suhted jne.
The data shows that 49.7% of emails are SPAM and to protect users from unwanted messages, server service providers streamline algorithms for filtering unwanted messages all the time. An extremely important issue is the so-called bounce rate (number of emails sent / number of non-existent email addresses) because the common technique used by SPAM dispatchers is the automatic generation of e-mail addresses and sending messages to these addresses. Very often, many of them are not correct and do not exist in reality. By checking the Tagasilöögi määr , filtering algorithms are able to classify such a sender, sending mass emails as SPAM.
“Okei, aga ma ei ole spämmija, seega ei ole see minu probleem.
Unfortunately, legitimate äri like yours are often affected by the mentioned before SPAM algorithms. It is estimated that approximately 13-17% of email addresses in customer databases are out of date, and about 30% are outdated within one year and companies with large customer bases (tens of thousands or several million) can send a legal message (eg newsletter) to email addresses that no longer exist. This causes a serious threat that the company will be classified (incorrectly) as sending SPAM, which may lead to blocking all email correspondence with customers. Minimizing the number of so-called Bounce emails is starting to be a serious problem for many companies with online communication channels .
In order to protect against this threat, companies must use systems to check if the email address is correct before sending the message. And here we come to the rescue with our product – Bouncer!
Me oleme Bouncer ja me oleme HULLUD <3!
Bouncer on ettevõte, mis pakub kõige intelligentsemat e-posti kontrollimise lahendust Backend as a Service (BaaS) kujul.
Our aim is to secure your sender’s Maine by sanitizing your email addresses’ database, ensure continuity of the communication with your customers and partners by catching not-existing email addresses in the moment of their entry. And also to maximize reach to your customers and partners by segregating low-quality email addresses from those of a high value.
Kuidas me seda teeme? Noh… meil on Winston!
Our top man – Winston!
Winston is your guardian angel, your shepherd, your BOUNCER. Like a real bouncer makes sure that no dodgy people will get into the club, Winston will make sure that not a single kättesaamatu e-kiri aadress hiilib teie e-posti nimekirja. Ta paneb kõrvale kõik tundmatud ja riskantsed e-kirjad ja kutsub kõik teie kättetoimetatavad e-posti aadressid teie täiesti puhtasse e-posti nimekirja. Winston hoolitseb ka selle eest, et teie saatja maine säilib ja kõik teie sõnumid jõuavad SPAM-kausta asemel teie kliendi INBOX-i. Ta vihkab raskeid tagasilööke, seega tagab ta ka selle, et teie tagasilöögimäär on madalam kui kunagi varem. Las Winston kaitseb teie äri!