Los árboles están perdiendo hojas, el clima se está poniendo feo y ya no te sientes tan optimista, al establecer una campaña de correo electrónico el lunes por la mañana, como hace sólo un par de meses… Bueno, el otoño está aquí, y la temporada de Halloween también. Halloween, tiempo de miedo y oscuridad que se arrastra en el mundo del email marketing.
Déjeme contarle una historia de un pequeño pueblo en los rincones más oscuros de la red, Marketington. Parece el lugar más pacífico de todo Internet con una sociedad familiar, felicidad en las calles y unos habitantes satisfechos. Pero durante muchos, muchos años ha habido una pandilla de correos electrónicos aterradores que durante la noche de Halloween salen del lado más oscuro de la ciudad para visitar las casas de los residentes, causando terribles daños. Animan a la gente a abrir sus puertas gritando «truco o trato». Puede que ya hayas oído hablar de ellos – se llaman SPAM.
SPAM gang arouses a fear in all Marketington. They are unpredictable, brutal and above all extremely cunning…They know all the tricks and can fool anyone to open the doors for them.The target of their actions are the residents of the Email Street… The terrified locals have lost their trust, unsure who is hiding behind the next email, and become very unwilling to open their doors for any email that comes into their inbox. Good emails have to make an incredible effort to rebuild trust, increase their reputation and finally get some sweets.The guards of the whole Internet world had to set up strict borders (filters), so the SPAM emails will never find their way to Email Street. When caught, they get sent straight to SPAM inbox, which is basically a prison for nasty emails.Unfortunately, quality emails are also affected… Whenever their reputation gets a bit shady, SPAM filters will detect them amongst other emails and sent them to the SPAM inbox, even though their content might be valuable and interesting for the recipients.This story clearly reflects the email marketing world in a real life. As you are an email marketer, you are a part of Marketington. Halloween night is simply an email campaign time, and Email Street is the list of recipients that we send our emails to. If they open their doors and read the email in their inbox, they might treat the sender, by converting into a paying customer. On the other hand, they might not trust the sender, and report the message as a spam. If the sender was previously identified as a baddy, their email is already in the email prison, SPAM BOX, so no chance for treats at all!If you are standing behind the good emails, you might already know how unfair and annoying is when your content is treated in same way as the emails about Nigerian prince or cheap Viagra. Disappointment, helplessness, and irritation. No one likes that! But there is a way to differentiate yourself from the SPAM gang. First of all, it is all about the content that you are sending, and to who you are sending it to. You need to adopt specific measures, so the recipients will not mark you as a SPAM. Email only those, who agreed to be on your campaign list, personalize your content, create a truthful but appealing title, make it easy to unsubscribe, be consistent and remove inactive users.
Pero lo más importante es que proteja su reputación de remitente reduciendo su tasa de rebote. Nunca envíe a listas de correo electrónico no verificadas. Cada vez que su correo electrónico rebota debido a una dirección de correo electrónico no válida, su reputación recibe un golpe. Cuando tu reputación sufre un golpe, los ojos de «los guardias» están sobre ti. Es básicamente un paso más para entrar en la lista negra y formar parte de la banda de SPAM. Verificar, verificar y una vez más VERIFIQUE su lista …mantenerlo limpio y libre de escondites… No se puede entregar tus campañas
Mantente en el lado bueno de Internet, sé un hombre digno de Marketington, un invitado educado de Email Street, nunca jamás hagas «trucos», y sobre todo – evita la pandilla de SPAM!