Business Email Verifier: Top 7 Tools for 2024

Jun 27, 2024

When you’re deep into managing a business, you know how crucial it is to ensure your email marketing hits the mark.

business email verifier - cover photo

On top of your worries about creating email content that converts, you need to make sure the addresses you’re sending to are legitimate and real.

This is where a business email verifier comes in: a tool that makes sure you’re reaching out to real people.

It’s all about keeping those communications crisp, clear, and actually reaching your audience.

In this article, we’ll cover some of the best tools available in 2024.

So, let’s dive in and see what each of these top email verifiers brings to the table.

Top business email verifier features to look out for

But first, we’ll see what to look out for in the best business email verifier so it can really help you get better results.

Spam trap identification

A spam trap is an address deliberately set up by domains to catch spammers. If you send an email to one of these, your message is automatically flagged as spam.

Hitting spam traps can severely damage your sender’s reputation – a score issued by internet service providers.

High accuracy

High accuracy means that the verifier can confidently determine which addresses are legitimate and not. For example, Bouncer has 99.5%+ accuracy, which means that only a small percentage of emails slip by our detectors.

A low number of unfamiliar results

Unfamiliar results are those that the verifier tool does not know where to put. In other words, it can’t tell if they are legitimate or not. A good tool will have a very low number of unfamiliar results.

High speed of verification

A fast verification process means you can move more swiftly from planning to execution, without being bogged down waiting for your list to get cleaned up. For example, Bouncer verifies 200,000 emails per hour per customer.

SOC2 compliance

SOC2 compliance is not just nice to have. It assures you that the verifier adheres to high standards of security and privacy and protect your and customers data.

Flexible pricing

Great verifier tools give you a variety of payment options. This includes both monthly and per-email pricing models.

Top business email verification tools

Okay, so you already know what features to look for. Now, take a look at some of the best tools.


Bouncer as a business email verifier

Bouncer is a well-regarded platform that lets you efficiently verify email addresses. It has all you need for the best business email verifier. Here are the details.

Main features

  • Email verification – Bouncer’s email verification service determines if an email address exists, is valid and deliverable. It also reduces bounces, protects your sender reputation, and runs DNS and MX record checks. 
  • Email verification API – this real-time, powerful, robust, and secure bulk email verification API integrates with your app or sign-up forms.
  • Toxicity check – this feature detects toxic email addresses, spam traps or complainers, to keep your email list safe and sound.
  • Deliverability kit – this kit checks inbox placement, verifies authentication, and checks blocklists to make sure emails land in the recipient inbox rather than in a spam folder.
  • Data Enrichment – data enrichment services adds value to your email lists. This new feature improves your email campaigns by enriching customer data with publicly available company information, so you can create more targeted and effective email campaigns.


Bouncer boasts a 99.5% accuracy rate to guarantee as reliable email validation as possible. All for your campaigns​.

Bouncer review


Speed of verification

Bouncer validates 200,000 emails every hour per client. It’s one of the fastest email validators and bulk email verification API on the market.

Customer support

Bouncer provides comprehensive customer support available through multiple channels, including email, chat, and video calls. It also offers extensive documentation and personalized assistance for API integration and other advanced needs.

Pricing: starts from $50 montly or $8 for 1,000 credits (minimal purchase) in pay-as-you-go rates.

Free trial: no for paid subscription plans, but you have 100 free credits.


Zerobounce homepage

ZeroBounce is another leading email verification service designed to enhance email deliverability and maintain list hygiene.

Main features

  • Email validation – a service designed to clean email lists, eliminate invalid email addresses, reduce bounce rates, and ensure communications reach genuine customers.
  • Email activity data – it identifies the most engaged subscribers within an email list and enables businesses to tailor their email marketing efforts more effectively.
  • Email score – uses AI-driven analysis to provide deep insights into an email list’s quality and performance.
  • DMARC monitor – supports real-time monitoring of DMARC records across multiple domains.
  • Blacklist monitor – a tool for maintaining good relationships with email service providers and ensuring high deliverability rates.
  • Inbox placement test – this service tests how likely an email is to land in the inbox versus the spam folder.
  • Email server tester tool – it diagnoses issues with email servers that could affect deliverability.
  • Email finder – helps businesses expand their contact lists by finding new, valid email addresses based on specific criteria.

It also includes some free tools, like a free list evaluator, free email verifier, or free DMARC checker.


ZeroBounce offers a 99% accuracy rate for email validation. To enhance precision, it delivers specialized services such as abuse email detection and catch-all domain identification​.

Speed of verification

ZeroBounce is efficient in processing large volumes of emails quickly. The platform can verify up to 100,000 email addresses in about 45 minutes.

Customer support

ZeroBounce provides customer support available 24/7 through multiple channels, including email, live chat, and phone. Their support team is usually noted for being responsive and helpful, which is particularly valuable for users who require immediate help or have complex queries​.

Pricing: starts from $0 monthly (free account) or $18 for 2,000 credits (minimal purchase) in pay-as-you-go rates.

Free trial: no for paid subscription plans, but you have a free account and 100 free credits.


Zerobounce homepage

NeverBounce is another email verification service designed to improve email deliverability, get rid of fake emails, and minimize spam complaints.

Main features

  • Clean – NeverBounce’s Clean service scrubs lists to eliminate invalid emails, ensure higher deliverability, and boost engagement rates for email campaigns.
  • Verify – this feature provides immediate confirmation of email address validity directly at the point of entry, such as in sign-ups or transactions.
  • Sync – it lets you connect your email service providers for automated cleaning, reduces the need for manual intervention, and helps maintain list hygiene over time.


NeverBounce uses hybrid verification, a combination of real-time verification and accept-all detection, for accurate results. The service claims an accuracy rate of 99%.

Speed of verification

Based on the type of email on the list, Neverbounce can process 10,000 emails in between 2 and 10 minutes. So, an average of 100,000 emails can be completed in 45 minutes.

Customer support

NeverBounce provides customer support through phone, live chat, and help desk. Their support team is available during business hours, typically from 9 AM to 6 PM EST on weekdays.

Pricing: starts from $10 monthly for up to 1,000 emails or $0.01 per email in pay-as-you-go rates.

Free trial: no for paid subscription plans, but you can get free credits if you request a demo.


Clearout homepage

The next business email verifier is Clearout. Here’s an overview of its key features:

Main features

  • Prospect – offers SQL/MQL list building that features high levels of personalization and real-time data enrichment.
  • Email finder – enables the discovery of individual or bulk emails by entering the right data.
  • Email verifier – provides the capability to verify email addresses individually, in bulk, or through an API.
  • Clearout for sheets – it allows users to verify email addresses directly within Google Sheets.
  • ClearoutPhone – it validates phone numbers across more than 240 countries.

It also includes free tools, among others: a disposable email checker, a reverse LinkedIn profile lookup tool, and a reverse email lookup tool.


Clearout boasts an accuracy rate of over 98%. It performs over 20 comprehensive validation checks, including syntax validation, MX record verification, and spam trap detection for better outcomes.

Speed of verification

Clearout does not provide information on the speed of verification. However, some review sites state that Clearout can verify 10K email addresses in 200 minutes.

Customer support

Clearout provides robust customer support through multiple channels, including phone, email, and live chat, available 24/7.

Pricing: starts from $31.5 monthly for 5,000 credits or from $0.007 per credit in pay-as-you-go rates.

Free trial: no for paid subscription plans, but you have 100 free credits.


Emailable homepage

Emailable is a robust email validation service known for its high accuracy, good speed, and nice customer support.

Main features

  • Bulk – Emailable provides an easy bulk upload solution, which can enhance email deliverability.
  • Single – this tool checks the validity of individual emails.
  • Widget – a real-time email validation widget that verifies emails at the point of entry.
  • Monitor – automates the process of email list cleaning, placing the maintenance of clean and updated email lists on autopilot.
  • API – the email verification API can be integrated into websites or applications to filter out invalid email addresses in real time.
  • Deliverability – provides tools and insights to improve email deliverability and monitors key metrics that affect email performance.


Emailable boasts a 99% accuracy rate in email verification. It performs comprehensive checks, including syntax verification and SMTP verification, thereby improving accuracy.

Speed of verification

This service can verify emails at a rate of 30,000 per minute, which translates to 100,000 emails in under 3 minutes.

Customer support

Emailable provides 24/7 customer support through multiple channels, including email, live chat, social media, and demo calls.

Pricing: starts from $49 monthly for Monitor, $149 monthly for Deliverability, or $38 per 5,000 credits (minimal purchase) in pay-as-you-go rates.

Free trial: no for paid subscription plans, but you have 250 free credits.

Email Hippo

Email Hippo homepage

Email Hippo is designed to enhance email deliverability and maintain clean email lists. Here’s a detailed look at its key features:

Main features

  • CORE – functions as an email address list checker that reduces bounce rates and improves overall campaign results.
  • MORE features an email verification API that detects invalid email addresses in real time.
  • INSIGHT – it analyzes email integrity on a large scale and is ideal for users needing email verification for extensive data sets.
  • ASSESS it offers a fraud prevention API that helps protect against fraudulent activities during sign-up processes.
  • WHOIS provides structured domain information that enhances users’ knowledge of the companies they interact with.


Email Hippo analyzes up to 74 data points about every email for 98% accuracy. This includes services like syntax verification and domain verification.

Speed of verification

Email Hippo can process 2,500 emails from 1 hour to 4 hours. They claim that business email addresses validation tend to take longer than free email services.

Customer support

Email Hippo provides customer support through channels like phone, email, contact form, and knowledge base. Their support is available during UK business hours.

Pricing: starts from $10 for one-off lists or $9.88 monthly for 1,000 credits.

Free trial: no for paid subscription plans, but you have 100 free credits.


Verifalia homepage

The last business email verifier on the list is
Verifalia. It also helps users clean and validate their email lists to ensure better deliverability.

Main features

  • Email list cleaning allows for quick and easy cleaning of email lists.
  • API the Verifalia API automates the process of email hygiene and enable continuous cleaning and verification of email addresses.
  • Widget – a free email verification widget that validates email addresses in real-time at the point of capture.
  • Free validation – Verifalia also has a free email checker that checks the formatting of email addresses and verifies the existence of the mailbox, among others.


Verifalia offers an accuracy rate of 99%. Although some services claim its accuracy is closer to 92%.

Speed of verification

According to List Cleaning Advice, Verifalia can process a list of 10,000 emails in about 50 minutes. Higher quality services might take longer but perform more thorough checks. It also verifies lists containing up to 40 million email addresses at once.

Customer support

Verifalia facilitates customer support via live chat and online forms. Additionally, Verifalia has an extensive help center with articles and documentation to assist users with common issues and integration processes​.

Pricing: starts from $0 monthly (free account) or $7.90 for 1,000 credits.

Free trial: no for paid subscription plans, but you have a free account.

Choose your best email verification service

Investing in a reliable business email verifier is a smart move for any business aiming to maximize the effectiveness of its email marketing campaigns. 

Want to verify your lists easily and accurately at a reasonable price? Start with Bouncer! Sign up today and verify your first 100 emails for free!


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